Facebook likes!
So anyways I was pretty excited ma page was up to like 500 facebook likes and I was like yes! killing it (not really thats pretty pathetic). Yeah so i bet your wondering where this is going well... so I changed my url cuz it had my name in it and mum was all like change that url people will stalk you so I did and now all the likes, tweets and all that other stuff has reset. This all happened about 10 minutes ago so I'm still not over it. Yep that happened which is saddening so relike it and tweet and stuff because now its all the way back at 0 again. So people are gonna think nobody likes my page and you like it don't you? And that took a lot of effort i shared it with like 300 different fandom pages on facebook(thats how i got any likes at all) and 500 of those thousands of people who saw it decided to like it. How am i surpose to find those 500 people again! Its gonna take forever! So like this share it and don't forget to like our facebook page books 4 life. And if you were wondering 'our? i thought it was just you'. Ah no think again my friend kat(who is also an admin to books 4 life) will now kindly edit for you any stories that need editing if you send them to her, she also edits this page so you won't think OMG this chic can't spell how stipid is she as much as you usually would. Ok well that was the most eventful think that happened to me today. Oh wait me and my other freind had 'the fork olympics' which is a game where you have to fling a fork of the side of the table by hitting the end of it. Can you guess who won? ....
MWAH yes thats right I won the fork olympics!
Ok farewell happy reading